Sunday, June 7, 2009

Berlusconi's Butterflies

Murdoch's Times has been going after fellow media controller Silvio Berlusconi recently, with interesting articles comparing him to the Roman Emperor Tiberius (standard 'elite' activity of pedophilia) as Berlusconi is known to have "relations" with minors on his secluded, private villa and other pertinent comparisons. Italians are completely brainwashed, it's incredible how ignorant they are (I'm sure there are many who are socially/historically aware, but the vast majority just seem to be incredibly stupid; I guess thousands of years of Roman and Catholic rule would do that to a country), and I can't help but think they deserve the tyrant; I find it amazing that Murdoch's papers accuse him of being "so far to the right" when Murdoch is himself extremely right wing (instrumental in manipulating the masses into the Iraq war etc [through FOX News]). The whole Italian political system is a complete joke though with porn stars and other ridiculous "politicians" (at least it's more interesting than the morbid, endless charade of British politics though), many candidates are probable slaves. Here is an article on Berlusconi's "marital problems" + use of his young mistress and his plan to use models (many of them likely controlled slaves) as political candidates in the European elections and such. Elluminati covered this important story (about Noemi) from the right perspective at the time it originally surfaced. Note the security guards armed to the teeth with automatic rifles to keep the slaves in line (and of course security for Berlusconi who deservedly has many enemies).

Tiberius did not have to worry about prying cameras. But tales soon emerged out about what the emperor was doing on his island. When he went for a swim, gangs of little boys (his “minnows”, as he used to call them) would join him in the water; they had been trained to chase him and nibble between his legs. On other occasions, the elderly emperor preferred the pleasures of voyeurism. According to his Roman biographer Suetonius, “Bevies of girls and young men, collected from all over the place, used to have sex in threesomes in front of him, to excite his waning appetites.” More likely, perhaps, than the implausible rumours of Mr Berlusconi's activities? [quote from the previously linked Times article on Berlusconi]
These "trained" little boys are essentially ancient versions of modern day "trained"/programmed sex-slaves, the term "trained" is still very much used in the global sex slave trade as of course slaves need to be manipulated, their minds moulded so they won't recoil in fear at the sight of horrific things such as the vile creature Berlusconi (or any of the other willing political puppets [who are kept 'onside' by the use of their bevvy of slaves, money etc], most of them are as ugly as their personalities/role in the world's screwed up political system suggests).

Berlusconi's wife divorced him after his relationship with the above kitten Noemi Letizia was uncovered in the media saying, "That's enough, I cannot remain with a man who consorts with minors"; and he absolutely does, but of course he is just one man in an ocean of the depraved so-called "elite". "Noemi Letizia, the girl in question, gained popularity after her relation with Silvio and gave interviews to the Italian press after [with her actual father, who likely sold her to Berlusconi, or at least benefited from the PM's useage of his daughter in some way], revealing that she calls Berlusconi "papi" ("daddy"), that they often spent time together in the past, and that Berlusconi would take care of her career as showgirl or politician." The below signed photograph has Berlusconi's message to her on it "'To my little Noemi, my little graphic artist, your little daddy teacher.'"
It is common sense that all these people with unchecked power will use it to fulfill their own sick fantasies, and have always been doing it throughout history. The dick below (in more sense than one) is the Czech ex-Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek, enjoying some of the perks of being on the side of the ruling class in his retirement (the use of sex-slave models and such).
Silvio's ex-wife Veronica Lario also said of her former husband: "many parents are willing to close their eyes and offer their virgins to the dragon", this is certainly the case of Noemi Letizia and many others; original source for these images and more/background info on them from El Pais. Edit: Thanks a lot to Ginevra in the comments, not at all a surprise (not to readers of this blog anyway) he calls the young girls in his harem 'butterflies', Noemi being the latest 'Berlusconi butterfly' [remember Noemi's surname 'Letizia' is the name of a genus of butterfly, I linked to this story a while back in the ridiculously pertinent post 'Collecting Butterflies' (I've described the mentality behind these fuckers to a degree in that post I think)]; some more info on this (there's obviously a lot more too that I am not aware of, always keep an eye on the extremely insightful comments) in a Times article:

Elisa Alloro, 33, a former showgirl turned television presenter, has offered the first glimpse behind the closed gates of Villa Certosa, describing the 72-year-old billionaire as an exuberant host who likes to give the young women on his guest list tips on how to wear their hair and lectures them on botany.

Her account coincides with reports by Italian media which name a former nude model, Sabine Began, as the “Queen Bee” among the succession of pretty girls at Mr Berlusconi’s parties. [Please checkout 'Sabine' wiki, tells you exactly what this is about ("The Rape of the Sabines", Romans would kidnap Sabine women etc), slavery! The butterfly tattoo, as noted on numerous occasions suggests she is a Monarch programmed slave, and the name certainly supports this too.]

Il Riformista claimed that Ms Began, who has a tattoo of a butterfly — a symbol linked to Mr Berlusconi — was the “crucial link to the parties at Villa Certosa”. The newspaper also hinted that the photographs seized by Italian police last weekend showed a woman fitting Ms Began’s description arriving at the villa. [probably one of the slaves I noted in the pictures]


Ms Alloro described fondly the fantastic grounds of Villa Certosa, claiming that as soon as guests enter the botantical gardens, they are dazzled by butterfly houses, lakes full of terrapins, and a natural grotto that has been carved into the shape of a whale [phallus + has largest phallus of all mammals so this is pretty obvious], with statues of Pinocchio and Geppetto squatting in its belly.

There is even the artificial volcano, which guests can watch erupting a spectacular light show, as they dine by the lakeside. “Lights cascade down the side, as if they were lava,” Ms Alloro recalls.

Ms Alloro, from Reggio Emilia, first met Mr Berlusconi in 2005, when interviewing him about a bridge-building project, and was flown to Sardinia for a “working lunch” shortly afterwards. She was among the glamorous young women with little or no political experience, whom Mr Berlusconi put forward as candidates for the European elections this year. They were dropped after prompting the fury of his wife.


Mr Berlusconi’s relationship with Sabine Began raised eyebrows last year, when she was reported to have sat on his knee at a party celebrating his election victory, while he sang a famous Napoletan song, Mala Femmena (Bad Woman).

He allegedly said, “If there were a photographer here, this shot would be worth 100,000 Euro.” She has a butterfly tattooed on her ankle, with the words, “The meeting that changed my life” and “SB” — the initials they both share [she was probably born to be a programmed slave for Silvio, considering her name etc I don't see this as unlikely].

Sabine Began was unavailable for comment. [Monarch sex-slaves have no voice; the Times (and those 'in the know') knows that, that final line is their humor.]

More info on 'Berlusconi's Butterflies' (name of post changed), here and here ["For years, Italy's perma-tanned 71-year-old prime minister has got away with acting like a sultan in his harem... Mr Berlusconi's bevy of beauties – or his "little butterflies" as he preferred to call them – include Antonella Troise, Elena Russo, Evelina Manna, Camilla Ferranti and Eleonora Gaggioli. Transcripts of phone taps splashed across the Italian press in recent weeks reveal the prime minister working overtime to find the five women television work, and offering financial favours as inducement.... "Look, on behalf of all these little butterflies, I thank you. You've found places for everyone I gave you? You want divas? They're all Marilyn Monroes!"" (original perfected Monarch programmed sex-slave; first public one anyway servicing presidents (('Presidential Model')) etc, see Marilyn Monroe tag for a few posts on her)], a more recent Times article detailing some of this [+ more
"Mr Berlusconi will offer guests a personal tour of the gardens. As they walk through eucalyptus and cacti, he informs them that, unbeknown to many, Sardinia is an active volcanic zone. “When the group approaches the lake he pretends to become worried. At that point, one hears a crazy explosion,” Mr Briatore told Corriere della Sera. An artificial volcano works its magic on cue, erupting in a spectacular light show. “It’s a game.” [will be used as part of programming or just as part of their sadistic fun in scaring the shit out of traumatized slaves and such] When asked why so many of the guests happen to be beautiful young women, Mr Briatore replied: “[Berlusconi] loves to surround himself by young people: they are less boring, they give you inspiration, they are the future.” Lele Mora, Italy’s top talent scout and a longtime friend of Mr Berlusconi, told The Times that he would often bring along friends and clients when invited to parties by the Prime Minister. He denied being a fixer who facilitated meetings between the girls and Mr Berlusconi. Two years ago Mr Mora was at the centre of the “Vallettopoli” scandal — or “Showgirl-Gate” — in which he was accused of criminal conspiracy and extortion during an investigation into the alleged supply of callgirls and drugs to parties. Fabrizio Corona, a photographer, was jailed for blackmailing celebrities, offering to sell back any compromising pictures he had taken of them. Mr Mora was cleared." (probably by corrupt officials/court system who are deeply involved)]
probably much more relevant info elsewhere (post has got a bit messy, hopefully it's still coherent).

A few more images of Ms Letizia to finish this short post (one with dark hair in red doesn't look like her but here's the source). [I have a bigger post in the works, things have been put a bit on the back burner as of late, should pick up in the coming days/week.] The below photo features the gold/diamond necklace given to her by 'Papi' Berlusconi for her birthday: "'It was a lovely surprise to see the man I call Papi (daddy) at my party. ‘I call him Papi but of course he is second to my father. He gave me a lovely necklace as a present.'"

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