Thursday, July 16, 2009

Smirnoff: The Goat Head and The Double Headed Eagle

Smirnoff's advertising is always been very symbolic ([see linked TTLG post for some more] their double headed eagle logo giving you some idea who controls them, and the alcohol industry in general) but this recent one went over the top in my opinion, depicting a ritualistic 'party' of sorts with various occult/MK (altered states/hallucinogens) symbolism (visit4info advert site describes it as "an event somewhere between 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' and the 'Mad Hatter's Tea Party'") with people wearing things like a goat head, and more listed in the screencaps. On a side note, apologiez for general lack of posting as of late (+ email nonresponses etc), I'll try to pick up the pace with quicker posts like this over the next few days (+ a bigger Cyrus post I'm working on which has caused much of the delay [blogging is a lot about momentum I think, when you start a longer post and don't work on it for a couple of days you sort of lose that compulsion to post more until you eventually finish it], should be done by tomorrow and put out a few quick posts like this in the meantime).

The Goat Head/Mask, obvious occult symbolic (Baphomet/Goat of Mendes) implications there. And the mushroom outfit/hat symbolizing altered states/hallucination (Amanita muscaria) in mind control/manipulation.

Various symbolic costumes like tiger-print catsuits, a raven/crow costume below (occult symbol for an imminent change in consciousness/transformation + generally a black/dark creature [evil/death], Edgar Allan Poe's [occultist/military/probably incestuous as he married his 13 year old cousin] 'The Raven' was illustrated by 'Alice in Wonderland' illustrator John Tenniel).

Cat Head + usual porcelain masks and the like.

All the candles/chandelier/light symbolism is more occult/Luciferian/Illumination type stuff.

And of course Smirnoff's Double Headed Eagle, which obviously the company originating from Russia gives them a good excuse (Russian Coat of Arms) for using this general symbol used by the "elite" European families that run the show/major Freemasonry symbol/etc (see previous posts with this motif [more than tagged] featured numerously, often with the Russian COA version used and nothing to do with Russia, like in this Disney movie).

They have many other adverts worth posting but here's the 'Not Your Usual Russian Doll' one (girl [in the standard black/white/red colours] runs from Soviet/Russian military type guys, and with each escape leaves behind a porcelain mannequin/doll split in two, get's progressively smaller [like a Russian doll with it's multiple layers/parts, or Alice], the you find out she symbolized a secret tape [programmed secret service slaves who are used like this, to transport secretive information in their compartmentalized brains and the like]).

The double headed eagle is a symbol of duality (noted by various Freemasonic authors as this being a large part of the emblem's meaning), this is emphasized in Smirnoff's stylized version, by the dark/light halves of the double headed eagle's mirrored sides (also very MK/mind-control symbolic) in the Smirnoff logo (one is darker than the other), also note in the below image (from a Smirnoff event) the twin pillars symbolism either side of double headed eagle. So I just put this short post out to kick start a few other quicker posts (some more advertising, problem with adverts is there's so many which come and go that you register as symbolic and think about posting then forget about them a few days later; have some fashion/modeling ones to post next though).

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